3-21 No Kiddin' Gambling Addiction Recovery Podcast

Dry January Day 8- Functional Drinks 101

Bobbie the Awesome Malatesta

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Episode Overview:
In this enlightening episode, the host introduces listeners to the world of functional drinks, exploring the variety of non-alcoholic options available in the market today. The discussion includes the benefits, flavors, and brands that exemplify this burgeoning category.

Key Takeaways:

  • Definition of Functional Drinks:
    Functional drinks are beverages that serve a specific purpose, whether it's for relaxation, energy, digestion, or simply mimicking the experience of alcoholic drinks.
  • Exploring Options:
    The host emphasizes the vast range of functional drinks available, comparing them to the tea aisle in supermarkets, which offers options for various health needs.
  • Popular Brands Presented:
    • Free Spirits: Known for their excellent mimicking of classic cocktails (e.g., gin, bourbon).   
    • Moment: Focuses on relaxation drinks with ingredients like ashwagandha and L-theanine. (https://drinkmoment.com/?rfsn=7622679.1b58208)
    • Kava: Offers non-alcoholic beverages that promote relaxation without causing sleepiness. (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYpd7PhB/)
    • Hiyo: A sparkling drink with organic ingredients, encouraging health benefits. (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYgTjdRC/)
    • Odyssey Elixirs: Energy drinks utilizing mushrooms for an energy boost.


    • Curious Elixirs: Known for their flavor variety and functional benefits, including stress relief and immunity support.

             (http://curiouselixirs.pxf.io/c/4805712/1059410/13600?    adcampaigngroup=CE-Affiliate-2021)

  • Health Benefits Highlighted:
    • Relaxation and stress relief through natural ingredients.
    • Low-sugar options for those conscious of their intake.
    • Functional drinks that promote overall well-being, potentially reducing the need for regular doctor visits.
  • Personal Recommendations:
    The host shares personal favorites from the curated selection and encourages listeners to explore and find their preferred functional drinks through the TikTok shop linked in the episode.

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**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld & UPDOWN for granting us permission to use his music on the show!

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