3-21 No Kiddin' Gambling Addiction Recovery Podcast

Dry January Day 4- Invest in Yourself During Sober January

Bobbie the Awesome Malatesta Season 6 Episode 4

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**Show Notes 

In this episode, Bobbie discusses the importance of using the money saved from not drinking to invest in personal development and experiences that enhance your life. She emphasizes shifting focus from what you perceive as lost with sobriety to opportunities for growth and happiness.

**Key Topics:**

- **Sobriety Benefits:** Exploring emotional and financial advantages of sobriety, including saving money.
- **Investment in Self:** Encouraging listeners to spend saved money on books, classes, and experiences that add value to their lives.
- **Rule of Three:** The importance of trying new things at least three times before deciding if they are right for you.
- **Avoid Scarcity Mindset:** Shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance while investing in personal happiness and well-being.
- **Finding Joy in New Experiences:** Suggestions for activities such as gym memberships, travel adventures, and social outings.

**Inspirational Quotes:**

- "Invest the money you would have spent on drinks into yourself."
- "Try something at least three times before you give it up."

**Action Items for Listeners:**

1. Allocate funds saved from not drinking towards personal development resources (books, courses, etc.).
2. Commit to trying three new activities or classes to discover what brings joy.
3. Reflect on your life and relationships to seek fulfillment and happiness.

**Closing Remarks:**\
Bobbie invites listeners to embrace the journey of self-investment and emphasizes the joy that can come from redefining one's life away from alcohol. Tune in for more insights and motivation for your sober journey!

#dryjanuary #reset #2025 #mefirst

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**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld & UPDOWN for granting us permission to use his music on the show!

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