3-21 No Kiddin' Gambling Addiction Recovery Podcast

Is It Failing or Learning?

Bobbie Malatesta

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"Day 12 of the #Fearless30Challenge: This ONE Failure ( Misconception) Shaped Who I Am Today and How We Are Going to get the 3-21 Dream to Fruition.

Today, I want to fearlessly open up and share with you my biggest failure: Trying to do it ALL ALONE!!! 

We tell people all the time that you can’t recover alone… what in the world made me think that I could execute a plan that would impact millions of lives alone?  🙄

Pretty much nothing went as I imagined or tried for.  I don’t like to think of this all as failing.  I believe I was learning!  

Failing to me is defined by GIVING UP!  I have not given up yet, so I can’t have failed.  I just have a lot more knowledge, skills, relationships, clarity and resources than I did before.

Embrace your failures/ LEARNINGS, GROW, and let them guide you toward a brighter future.

#Fearless30Challenge # wecandoit #recoveryrocks #failing

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**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld & UPDOWN for granting us permission to use his music on the show!

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