3-21 No Kiddin' Gambling Addiction Recovery Podcast
Bobbie the Awesome discusses gambling addiction, self care, sobriety and recovery strategies for problem gambling, alcohol and addiction. Raising awareness around gambling addiction has become a passion for Bobbie as she continues her daily journey away from a bet while striving to be a better human.
3-21 No Kiddin' is now a podcast, a store front in Naugatuck CT, an online store and a PERSONAL MISSION for Bobbie. She continues to work towards helping adults live their best lives and recover from whatever has impacted them on this journey.
You will gain education about gambling disorder, various addictions and be exposed to different methods for recovery, abstinence and a better way of living for both the addict and loved ones, through Bobbie's experience and the expertise of her guests.
This is not a one size fits all process so exploration of tools for optimal mental, emotional and physical health will be discussed. The show is combination of interviews with both addicts and authorities on health and wellness. Addiction is a growing problem and awareness is paramount. Hit subscribe to follow Bobbie's own journey and education surrounding this devastating issue.
If you want to learn more about Sobriety and Bobbie's community of SIPS Club visit 321nokiddin.com
3-21 No Kiddin' Gambling Addiction Recovery Podcast
10 Values I am NOT in Alignment With!
Share Your Thoughts! Text Bobbie here!
“Day 9 of the #Fearless30Challenge: Who I am NOT
Through my personal development journey the last 6 + years, I have really evaluated who the humans I best align and connect with and want to share my life & time with.
These attributes are not conducive to who I am anymore.
1. Lying & Dishonesty
2. Manipulation & Victimhood
3. Laziness
4. Tardiness
5. Averageness- settling.
6. Quitting
7.Inauthenticity or being superficial
8. Closemindedness
9. Selfishness
10. EGO- driven
This is where I am today on my values and personal integrity. I actually start a course on Saturday to learn more about values and I am sure I will have more to share after that!
Thanks for hanging with me during this 30 day challenge, where I am sharing, practicing writing & tech, as well as learning an growing each day!
Much ♥️to all you Beautiful People!
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#gambling #addiction #recovery #bestlife #healthy #nonalcoholicdrinks #kava #mentalhealth #recoveryispossible
**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld & UPDOWN for granting us permission to use his music on the show!