3-21 No Kiddin' Gambling Addiction Recovery Podcast

10 Values I am NOT in Alignment With!

Bobbie Malatesta

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“Day 9 of the #Fearless30Challenge: Who I am NOT

Through my personal development journey the last 6 + years, I have really evaluated who the humans I best align and connect with and want to share my life & time with.

These attributes are not conducive to who I am anymore.  

1. Lying & Dishonesty 

2. Manipulation & Victimhood

3. Laziness

4. Tardiness

5. Averageness- settling.

6. Quitting

7.Inauthenticity or being superficial

8.  Closemindedness

9. Selfishness

10. EGO- driven

This is where I am today on my values and personal integrity.  I actually start a course on Saturday to learn more about values and I am sure I will have more to share after that!

Thanks for hanging with me during this 30 day challenge, where I am sharing, practicing writing & tech, as well as learning an growing each day!

Much ♥️to all you Beautiful People!


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**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld & UPDOWN for granting us permission to use his music on the show!

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